Monday, November 11, 2013

Bala Karen Baptist Church

As it was Sunday yesterday, Ruth Fox to took me to the local Baptist church --- which happens to be a Karen congregation.  I had a wonderful time worshiping with Karen brothers and sisters at the Bala Baptist Church in Chiang Rai and bringing them greetings from Tabernacle Baptist Church.

The service included a good sermon by a visiting preacher from another Karen Baptist Church which is assisted by the Bala congregation and music ministry by the church's young people.
Teen girls singing.
 After the service, the church invited all their guests to a lunch in the church's fellowship hall (the sanctuary is on the second floor and fellowship hall on the first).  As we were unexpected guests, I suspect that they may have sent out for some additional food when then learned that they had a missionary and a pastor from America visiting. The welcome was warm and the food delicious.

After the service I also met the 85 year old pastor emeritus of the congregation.
85 yr. old Emeritus Pastor with Mark. Both are white haired!
He has been ill recently, but his health has improved and allowed to join in worship after a significant absence.

After the service, Wichai Songsaeng, Principal of the Sahasartsuksa School (see previous post) showed me the Sunshine Home.  A youth hostel for teen girls from outlying villages attending the school as boarders.

A few years ago, Wichai and his wife were able to purchase the house across the lane from their home.  Rather than use it as a rental property producing income, they had a different vision.  They believe God provided the property to be used for ministry.  They named it Sunshine Home --- a play on their name in Thai --- and to honor his late father's commitment to Christ and ministry.  This Home is a truly a ray of sunshine in Chaing Rai providing a caring Christian environment for young Karen women from poor families in the hills to be able to receive a high school education at the Sahasartsuksa School.
Mark with Wichai, his wife and 5 of the Sunshine Home students.
Wichai and his wife's commitment to Christ, to the Church, and serving his people is truly inspirational!

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